Class Classloader

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Classloader
extends Task
EXPERIMENTAL Create or modifies ClassLoader. The required pathRef parameter will be used to add classpath elements. The classpath is a regular path. Currently only file components are supported (future extensions may allow URLs). You can modify the core loader by not specifying any name or using "ant.coreLoader". (the core loader is used to load system ant tasks and for taskdefs that don't specify an explicit path). Taskdef and typedef can use the loader you create if the name follows the "ant.loader.NAME" pattern. NAME will be used as a pathref when calling taskdef. This tasks will not modify the core loader if "build.sysclasspath=only" The typical use is:
  <path id="ant.deps" >
     <fileset dir="myDir" >
        <include name="junit.jar, bsf.jar, js.jar, etc"/>

  <classloader pathRef="ant.deps" />

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setName

      public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
      Name of the loader. If none, the default loader will be modified
      name - the name of this loader
    • setReset

      public void setReset​(boolean b)
      Reset the classloader, if it already exists. A new loader will be created and all the references to the old one will be removed. (it is not possible to remove paths from a loader). The new path will be used.
      b - true if the loader is to be reset.
    • setReverse

      @Deprecated public void setReverse​(boolean b)
      use setParentFirst with a negated argument instead
      Set reverse attribute.
      b - if true reverse the normal classloader lookup.
    • setParentFirst

      public void setParentFirst​(boolean b)
      Set reverse attribute.
      b - if true reverse the normal classloader lookup.
    • setParentName

      public void setParentName​(java.lang.String name)
      Set the name of the parent.
      name - the parent name.
    • setClasspathRef

      public void setClasspathRef​(Reference pathRef) throws BuildException
      Specify which path will be used. If the loader already exists and is an AntClassLoader (or any other loader we can extend), the path will be added to the loader.
      pathRef - a reference to a path.
      BuildException - if there is a problem.
    • setClasspath

      public void setClasspath​(Path classpath)
      Set the classpath to be used when searching for component being defined
      classpath - an Ant Path object containing the classpath.
    • createClasspath

      public Path createClasspath()
      Create a classpath.
      a path for configuration.
    • execute

      public void execute()
      do the classloader manipulation.
      execute in class Task