Class Sleep

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Sleep
extends Task
Sleep, or pause, for a period of time.

A task for sleeping a short period of time, useful when a build or deployment process requires an interval between tasks.

A negative value can be supplied to any of attributes provided the total sleep time is positive, pending fundamental changes in physics and JVM execution times

Note that sleep times are always hints to be interpreted by the OS how it feels small times may either be ignored or rounded up to a minimum timeslice. Note also that the system clocks often have a fairly low granularity too, which complicates measuring how long a sleep actually took.

Ant 1.4
  • Constructor Details

    • Sleep

      public Sleep()
      Creates new instance
  • Method Details

    • setSeconds

      public void setSeconds​(int seconds)
      seconds to add to the sleep time
      seconds - The new Seconds value
    • setHours

      public void setHours​(int hours)
      hours to add to the sleep time.
      hours - The new Hours value
    • setMinutes

      public void setMinutes​(int minutes)
      minutes to add to the sleep time
      minutes - The new Minutes value
    • setMilliseconds

      public void setMilliseconds​(int milliseconds)
      milliseconds to add to the sleep time
      milliseconds - The new Milliseconds value
    • doSleep

      public void doSleep​(long millis)
      sleep for a period of time
      millis - time to sleep
    • setFailOnError

      public void setFailOnError​(boolean failOnError)
      flag controlling whether to break the build on an error.
      failOnError - The new FailOnError value
    • validate

      public void validate() throws BuildException
      verify parameters
      BuildException - if something is invalid
    • execute

      public void execute() throws BuildException
      Executes this build task.
      execute in class Task
      BuildException - if there is an error during task execution