Class BaseSelector

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, ResourceSelector, FileSelector
Direct Known Subclasses:
BaseExtendSelector, BaseSelectorContainer, ExtendSelector, MappingSelector, PresentSelector, ScriptSelector

public abstract class BaseSelector
extends DataType
implements FileSelector
A convenience base class that you can subclass Selectors from. It provides some helpful common behaviour. Note that there is no need for Selectors to inherit from this class, it is only necessary that they implement FileSelector.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setError

      public void setError​(java.lang.String msg)
      Allows all selectors to indicate a setup error. Note that only the first error message is recorded.
      msg - The error message any BuildException should throw.
    • setError

      public void setError​(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Allows all selectors to indicate a setup error. Note that only the first error message is recorded.
      msg - The error message any BuildException should throw.
      cause - Throwable
    • getError

      public java.lang.String getError()
      Returns any error messages that have been set.
      the error condition
    • verifySettings

      public void verifySettings()

      Subclasses can override this method to provide checking of their state. So long as they call validate() from isSelected(), this will be called automatically (unless they override validate()).

      Implementations should check for incorrect settings and call setError() as necessary.

    • validate

      public void validate()
      Subclasses can use this to throw the requisite exception in isSelected() in the case of an error condition.
    • isSelected

      public abstract boolean isSelected​( basedir, java.lang.String filename, file)
      Method that each selector will implement to create their selection behaviour. If there is a problem with the setup of a selector, it can throw a BuildException to indicate the problem.
      Specified by:
      isSelected in interface FileSelector
      basedir - A object for the base directory
      filename - The name of the file to check
      file - A File object for this filename
      whether the file should be selected or not