Class Project

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Project
extends java.lang.Object
implements ResourceFactory
Central representation of an Ant project. This class defines an Ant project with all of its targets, tasks and various other properties. It also provides the mechanism to kick off a build using a particular target name.

This class also encapsulates methods which allow files to be referred to using abstract path names which are translated to native system file paths at runtime.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static java.lang.String JAVA_1_0
    since 1.5.x.
    static java.lang.String JAVA_1_1
    since 1.5.x.
    static java.lang.String JAVA_1_2
    since 1.5.x.
    static java.lang.String JAVA_1_3
    since 1.5.x.
    static java.lang.String JAVA_1_4
    since 1.5.x.
    static int MSG_DEBUG
    Message priority of "debug".
    static int MSG_ERR
    Message priority of "error".
    static int MSG_INFO
    Message priority of "information".
    static int MSG_VERBOSE
    Message priority of "verbose".
    static int MSG_WARN
    Message priority of "warning".
    static java.lang.String TOKEN_END
    Default filter end token.
    static java.lang.String TOKEN_START
    Default filter start token.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Create a new Ant project.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addBuildListener​(BuildListener listener)
    Add a build listener to the list.
    void addDataTypeDefinition​(java.lang.String typeName, java.lang.Class<?> typeClass)
    Add a new datatype definition.
    void addFilter​(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String value)
    since 1.4.x.
    void addIdReference​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.Object value)
    Add an id reference.
    void addOrReplaceTarget​(java.lang.String targetName, Target target)
    Add a target to the project, or replaces one with the same name.
    void addOrReplaceTarget​(Target target)
    Add a target to the project, or replaces one with the same name.
    void addReference​(java.lang.String referenceName, java.lang.Object value)
    Add a reference to the project.
    void addTarget​(java.lang.String targetName, Target target)
    Add a new target to the project.
    void addTarget​(Target target)
    Add a new target to the project.
    void addTaskDefinition​(java.lang.String taskName, java.lang.Class<?> taskClass)
    Add a new task definition to the project.
    void checkTaskClass​(java.lang.Class<?> taskClass)
    Check whether or not a class is suitable for serving as Ant task.
    void copyFile​( sourceFile, destFile)
    since 1.4.x
    void copyFile​( sourceFile, destFile, boolean filtering)
    since 1.4.x
    void copyFile​( sourceFile, destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite)
    since 1.4.x
    void copyFile​( sourceFile, destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite, boolean preserveLastModified)
    since 1.4.x
    void copyFile​(java.lang.String sourceFile, java.lang.String destFile)
    since 1.4.x
    void copyFile​(java.lang.String sourceFile, java.lang.String destFile, boolean filtering)
    since 1.4.x
    void copyFile​(java.lang.String sourceFile, java.lang.String destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite)
    since 1.4.x
    void copyFile​(java.lang.String sourceFile, java.lang.String destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite, boolean preserveLastModified)
    since 1.4.x
    void copyInheritedProperties​(Project other)
    Copy all user properties that have not been set on the command line or a GUI tool from this instance to the Project instance given as the argument.
    void copyUserProperties​(Project other)
    Copy all user properties that have been set on the command line or a GUI tool from this instance to the Project instance given as the argument.
    AntClassLoader createClassLoader​(java.lang.ClassLoader parent, Path path)
    Factory method to create a class loader for loading classes from a given path.
    AntClassLoader createClassLoader​(Path path)
    Factory method to create a class loader for loading classes from a given path.
    java.lang.Object createDataType​(java.lang.String typeName)
    Create a new instance of a data type.
    Project createSubProject()
    Create and initialize a subproject.
    Task createTask​(java.lang.String taskType)
    Create a new instance of a task, adding it to a list of created tasks for later invalidation.
    int defaultInput​(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
    Read data from the default input stream.
    void demuxFlush​(java.lang.String output, boolean isError)
    Demultiplex flush operations so that each task receives the appropriate messages.
    int demuxInput​(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
    Demux an input request to the correct task.
    void demuxOutput​(java.lang.String output, boolean isWarning)
    Demultiplex output so that each task receives the appropriate messages.
    void executeSortedTargets​(java.util.Vector<Target> sortedTargets)
    Execute a Vector of sorted targets.
    void executeTarget​(java.lang.String targetName)
    Execute the specified target and any targets it depends on.
    void executeTargets​(java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> names)
    Execute the specified sequence of targets, and the targets they depend on.
    void fireBuildFinished​(java.lang.Throwable exception)
    Send a "build finished" event to the build listeners for this project.
    void fireBuildStarted()
    Send a "build started" event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireMessageLogged​(Project project, java.lang.String message, int priority)
    Send a "message logged" project level event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireMessageLogged​(Project project, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int priority)
    Send a "message logged" project level event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireMessageLogged​(Target target, java.lang.String message, int priority)
    Send a "message logged" target level event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireMessageLogged​(Target target, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int priority)
    Send a "message logged" target level event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireMessageLogged​(Task task, java.lang.String message, int priority)
    Send a "message logged" task level event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireMessageLogged​(Task task, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int priority)
    Send a "message logged" task level event to the build listeners for this project.
    void fireSubBuildFinished​(java.lang.Throwable exception)
    Send a "subbuild finished" event to the build listeners for this project.
    void fireSubBuildStarted()
    Send a "subbuild started" event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireTargetFinished​(Target target, java.lang.Throwable exception)
    Send a "target finished" event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireTargetStarted​(Target target)
    Send a "target started" event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireTaskFinished​(Task task, java.lang.Throwable exception)
    Send a "task finished" event to the build listeners for this project.
    protected void fireTaskStarted​(Task task)
    Send a "task started" event to the build listeners for this project. getBaseDir()
    Return the base directory of the project as a file object.
    java.util.Vector<BuildListener> getBuildListeners()
    Return a copy of the list of build listeners for the project.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class<?>> getCopyOfDataTypeDefinitions()
    Return the current datatype definition map.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getCopyOfReferences()
    Return a map of the references in the project (String to Object).
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Target> getCopyOfTargets()
    Return the map of targets.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class<?>> getCopyOfTaskDefinitions()
    Return the current task definition map.
    java.lang.ClassLoader getCoreLoader()
    Return the core classloader to use for this project.
    java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class<?>> getDataTypeDefinitions()
    Return the current datatype definition hashtable. getDefaultInputStream()
    Get this project's input stream.
    java.lang.String getDefaultTarget()
    Return the name of the default target of the project.
    java.lang.String getDescription()
    Return the project description, if one has been set.
    java.lang.String getElementName​(java.lang.Object element)
    Return a description of the type of the given element, with special handling for instances of tasks and data types.
    Executor getExecutor()
    Get this Project's Executor (setting it if necessary).
    java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getFilters()
    since 1.4.x Use getGlobalFilterSet().getFilterHash().
    FilterSet getGlobalFilterSet()
    Return the set of global filters.
    java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getInheritedProperties()
    Return a copy of the inherited property hashtable.
    InputHandler getInputHandler()
    Retrieve the current input handler.
    static java.lang.String getJavaVersion()
    since 1.5.x.
    java.lang.String getName()
    Return the project name, if one has been set.
    static Project getProject​(java.lang.Object o)
    Get the Project instance associated with the specified object.
    java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getProperties()
    Return a copy of the properties table.
    java.lang.String getProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)
    Return the value of a property, if it is set.
    java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPropertyNames()
    Returns the names of all known properties.
    <T> T getReference​(java.lang.String key)
    Look up a reference by its key (ID).
    java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getReferences()
    Return a map of the references in the project (String to Object).
    Resource getResource​(java.lang.String name)
    Resolve the file relative to the project's basedir and return it as a FileResource.
    java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​Target> getTargets()
    Return the hashtable of targets.
    java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class<?>> getTaskDefinitions()
    Return the current task definition hashtable.
    Task getThreadTask​(java.lang.Thread thread)
    Get the current task associated with a thread, if any.
    java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getUserProperties()
    Return a copy of the user property hashtable.
    java.lang.String getUserProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)
    Return the value of a user property, if it is set.
    boolean hasReference​(java.lang.String key)
    Does the project know this reference?
    void inheritIDReferences​(Project parent)
    Inherit the id references.
    void init()
    Initialise the project.
    void initProperties()
    Initializes the properties.
    void initSubProject​(Project subProject)
    Initialize a subproject.
    boolean isKeepGoingMode()
    Return the keep-going mode.
    void log​(java.lang.String message)
    Write a message to the log with the default log level of MSG_INFO .
    void log​(java.lang.String message, int msgLevel)
    Write a project level message to the log with the given log level.
    void log​(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int msgLevel)
    Write a project level message to the log with the given log level.
    void log​(Target target, java.lang.String message, int msgLevel)
    Write a target level message to the log with the given log level.
    void log​(Target target, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int msgLevel)
    Write a target level message to the log with the given log level.
    void log​(Task task, java.lang.String message, int msgLevel)
    Write a task level message to the log with the given log level.
    void log​(Task task, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int msgLevel)
    Write a task level message to the log with the given log level.
    void registerThreadTask​(java.lang.Thread thread, Task task)
    Register a task as the current task for a thread.
    void removeBuildListener​(BuildListener listener)
    Remove a build listener from the list.
    java.lang.String replaceProperties​(java.lang.String value)
    Replace ${} style constructions in the given value with the string value of the corresponding data types. resolveFile​(java.lang.String fileName)
    Return the canonical form of a filename. resolveFile​(java.lang.String fileName, rootDir)
    since 1.4.x
    void setBasedir​(java.lang.String baseD)
    Set the base directory for the project, checking that the given filename exists and is a directory.
    void setBaseDir​( baseDir)
    Set the base directory for the project, checking that the given file exists and is a directory.
    void setCoreLoader​(java.lang.ClassLoader coreLoader)
    Set the core classloader for the project.
    void setDefault​(java.lang.String defaultTarget)
    Set the default target of the project.
    void setDefaultInputStream​( defaultInputStream)
    Set the default System input stream.
    void setDefaultTarget​(java.lang.String defaultTarget)
    since 1.5.x.
    void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
    Set the project description.
    void setExecutor​(Executor e)
    Set the Executor instance for this Project.
    void setFileLastModified​( file, long time)
    since 1.4.x
    void setInheritedProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
    Set a user property, which cannot be overwritten by set/unset property calls.
    void setInputHandler​(InputHandler handler)
    Set the input handler.
    void setJavaVersionProperty()
    Set the property and tests for unsupported JVM versions.
    void setKeepGoingMode​(boolean keepGoingMode)
    Set "keep-going" mode.
    void setName​(java.lang.String name)
    Set the name of the project, also setting the user property
    void setNewProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
    Set a property if no value currently exists.
    void setProjectReference​(java.lang.Object obj)
    Set a reference to this Project on the parameterized object.
    void setProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
    Set a property.
    void setSystemProperties()
    Add all system properties which aren't already defined as user properties to the project properties.
    void setUserProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
    Set a user property, which cannot be overwritten by set/unset property calls.
    static boolean toBoolean​(java.lang.String s)
    Return the boolean equivalent of a string, which is considered true if either "on", "true", or "yes" is found, ignoring case.
    java.util.Vector<Target> topoSort​(java.lang.String[] roots, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​Target> targetTable, boolean returnAll)
    Topologically sort a set of targets.
    java.util.Vector<Target> topoSort​(java.lang.String root, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​Target> targetTable)
    Topologically sort a set of targets.
    java.util.Vector<Target> topoSort​(java.lang.String root, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​Target> targetTable, boolean returnAll)
    Topologically sort a set of targets.
    static java.lang.String translatePath​(java.lang.String toProcess)
    since 1.7 Use FileUtils.translatePath instead.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Project

      public Project()
      Create a new Ant project.
  • Method Details

    • setInputHandler

      public void setInputHandler​(InputHandler handler)
      Set the input handler.
      handler - the InputHandler instance to use for gathering input.
    • setDefaultInputStream

      public void setDefaultInputStream​( defaultInputStream)
      Set the default System input stream. Normally this stream is set to This inputStream is used when no task input redirection is being performed.
      defaultInputStream - the default input stream to use when input is requested.
      Ant 1.6
    • getDefaultInputStream

      public getDefaultInputStream()
      Get this project's input stream.
      the InputStream instance in use by this Project instance to read input.
    • getInputHandler

      public InputHandler getInputHandler()
      Retrieve the current input handler.
      the InputHandler instance currently in place for the project instance.
    • createSubProject

      public Project createSubProject()
      Create and initialize a subproject. By default the subproject will be of the same type as its parent. If a no-arg constructor is unavailable, the Project class will be used.
      a Project instance configured as a subproject of this Project.
      Ant 1.7
    • initSubProject

      public void initSubProject​(Project subProject)
      Initialize a subproject.
      subProject - the subproject to initialize.
    • init

      public void init() throws BuildException
      Initialise the project. This involves setting the default task definitions and loading the system properties.
      BuildException - if the default task list cannot be loaded.
    • initProperties

      public void initProperties() throws BuildException
      Initializes the properties.
      BuildException - if an vital property could not be set.
      Ant 1.7
    • createClassLoader

      public AntClassLoader createClassLoader​(Path path)
      Factory method to create a class loader for loading classes from a given path.
      path - the path from which classes are to be loaded.
      an appropriate classloader.
    • createClassLoader

      public AntClassLoader createClassLoader​(java.lang.ClassLoader parent, Path path)
      Factory method to create a class loader for loading classes from a given path.
      parent - the parent classloader for the new loader.
      path - the path from which classes are to be loaded.
      an appropriate classloader.
    • setCoreLoader

      public void setCoreLoader​(java.lang.ClassLoader coreLoader)
      Set the core classloader for the project. If a null classloader is specified, the parent classloader should be used.
      coreLoader - The classloader to use for the project. May be null.
    • getCoreLoader

      public java.lang.ClassLoader getCoreLoader()
      Return the core classloader to use for this project. This may be null, indicating that the parent classloader should be used.
      the core classloader to use for this project.
    • addBuildListener

      public void addBuildListener​(BuildListener listener)
      Add a build listener to the list. This listener will be notified of build events for this project.
      listener - The listener to add to the list. Must not be null.
    • removeBuildListener

      public void removeBuildListener​(BuildListener listener)
      Remove a build listener from the list. This listener will no longer be notified of build events for this project.
      listener - The listener to remove from the list. Should not be null.
    • getBuildListeners

      public java.util.Vector<BuildListener> getBuildListeners()
      Return a copy of the list of build listeners for the project.
      a list of build listeners for the project
    • log

      public void log​(java.lang.String message)
      Write a message to the log with the default log level of MSG_INFO .
      message - The text to log. Should not be null.
    • log

      public void log​(java.lang.String message, int msgLevel)
      Write a project level message to the log with the given log level.
      message - The text to log. Should not be null.
      msgLevel - The log priority level to use.
    • log

      public void log​(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int msgLevel)
      Write a project level message to the log with the given log level.
      message - The text to log. Should not be null.
      throwable - The exception causing this log, may be null.
      msgLevel - The log priority level to use.
    • log

      public void log​(Task task, java.lang.String message, int msgLevel)
      Write a task level message to the log with the given log level.
      task - The task to use in the log. Must not be null.
      message - The text to log. Should not be null.
      msgLevel - The log priority level to use.
    • log

      public void log​(Task task, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int msgLevel)
      Write a task level message to the log with the given log level.
      task - The task to use in the log. Must not be null.
      message - The text to log. Should not be null.
      throwable - The exception causing this log, may be null.
      msgLevel - The log priority level to use.
    • log

      public void log​(Target target, java.lang.String message, int msgLevel)
      Write a target level message to the log with the given log level.
      target - The target to use in the log. Must not be null.
      message - The text to log. Should not be null.
      msgLevel - The log priority level to use.
    • log

      public void log​(Target target, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int msgLevel)
      Write a target level message to the log with the given log level.
      target - The target to use in the log. Must not be null.
      message - The text to log. Should not be null.
      throwable - The exception causing this log, may be null.
      msgLevel - The log priority level to use.
    • getGlobalFilterSet

      public FilterSet getGlobalFilterSet()
      Return the set of global filters.
      the set of global filters.
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Set a property. Any existing property of the same name is overwritten, unless it is a user property.
      name - The name of property to set. Must not be null.
      value - The new value of the property. Must not be null.
    • setNewProperty

      public void setNewProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Set a property if no value currently exists. If the property exists already, a message is logged and the method returns with no other effect.
      name - The name of property to set. Must not be null.
      value - The new value of the property. Must not be null.
    • setUserProperty

      public void setUserProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Set a user property, which cannot be overwritten by set/unset property calls. Any previous value is overwritten.
      name - The name of property to set. Must not be null.
      value - The new value of the property. Must not be null.
      See Also:
    • setInheritedProperty

      public void setInheritedProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Set a user property, which cannot be overwritten by set/unset property calls. Any previous value is overwritten. Also marks these properties as properties that have not come from the command line.
      name - The name of property to set. Must not be null.
      value - The new value of the property. Must not be null.
      See Also:
    • getProperty

      public java.lang.String getProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)
      Return the value of a property, if it is set.
      propertyName - The name of the property. May be null, in which case the return value is also null.
      the property value, or null for no match or if a null name is provided.
    • replaceProperties

      public java.lang.String replaceProperties​(java.lang.String value) throws BuildException
      Replace ${} style constructions in the given value with the string value of the corresponding data types.
      value - The string to be scanned for property references. May be null.
      the given string with embedded property names replaced by values, or null if the given string is null.
      BuildException - if the given value has an unclosed property name, e.g. ${xxx.
    • getUserProperty

      public java.lang.String getUserProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)
      Return the value of a user property, if it is set.
      propertyName - The name of the property. May be null, in which case the return value is also null.
      the property value, or null for no match or if a null name is provided.
    • getProperties

      public java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getProperties()
      Return a copy of the properties table.
      a hashtable containing all properties (including user properties) known to the project directly, does not contain local properties.
    • getPropertyNames

      public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPropertyNames()
      Returns the names of all known properties.
      the names of all known properties including local user and local properties.
    • getUserProperties

      public java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getUserProperties()
      Return a copy of the user property hashtable.
      a hashtable containing just the user properties.
    • getInheritedProperties

      public java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getInheritedProperties()
      Return a copy of the inherited property hashtable.
      a hashtable containing just the inherited properties.
      Ant 1.8.0
    • copyUserProperties

      public void copyUserProperties​(Project other)
      Copy all user properties that have been set on the command line or a GUI tool from this instance to the Project instance given as the argument.

      To copy all "user" properties, you will also have to call copyInheritedProperties.

      other - the project to copy the properties to. Must not be null.
      Ant 1.5
    • copyInheritedProperties

      public void copyInheritedProperties​(Project other)
      Copy all user properties that have not been set on the command line or a GUI tool from this instance to the Project instance given as the argument.

      To copy all "user" properties, you will also have to call copyUserProperties.

      other - the project to copy the properties to. Must not be null.
      Ant 1.5
    • setDefaultTarget

      @Deprecated public void setDefaultTarget​(java.lang.String defaultTarget)
      since 1.5.x. Use setDefault.
      Set the default target of the project.
      defaultTarget - The name of the default target for this project. May be null, indicating that there is no default target.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultTarget

      public java.lang.String getDefaultTarget()
      Return the name of the default target of the project.
      name of the default target or null if no default has been set.
    • setDefault

      public void setDefault​(java.lang.String defaultTarget)
      Set the default target of the project.
      defaultTarget - The name of the default target for this project. May be null, indicating that there is no default target.
    • setName

      public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
      Set the name of the project, also setting the user property
      name - The name of the project. Must not be null.
    • getName

      public java.lang.String getName()
      Return the project name, if one has been set.
      the project name, or null if it hasn't been set.
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
      Set the project description.
      description - The description of the project. May be null.
    • getDescription

      public java.lang.String getDescription()
      Return the project description, if one has been set.
      the project description, or null if it hasn't been set.
    • addFilter

      @Deprecated public void addFilter​(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String value)
      since 1.4.x. Use getGlobalFilterSet().addFilter(token,value)
      Add a filter to the set of global filters.
      token - The token to filter. Must not be null.
      value - The replacement value. Must not be null.
      See Also:
      getGlobalFilterSet(), FilterSet.addFilter(String,String)
    • getFilters

      @Deprecated public java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getFilters()
      since 1.4.x Use getGlobalFilterSet().getFilterHash().
      Return a hashtable of global filters, mapping tokens to values.
      a hashtable of global filters, mapping tokens to values (String to String).
      See Also:
      getGlobalFilterSet(), FilterSet.getFilterHash()
    • setBasedir

      public void setBasedir​(java.lang.String baseD) throws BuildException
      Set the base directory for the project, checking that the given filename exists and is a directory.
      baseD - The project base directory. Must not be null.
      BuildException - if the directory if invalid.
    • setBaseDir

      public void setBaseDir​( baseDir) throws BuildException
      Set the base directory for the project, checking that the given file exists and is a directory.
      baseDir - The project base directory. Must not be null.
      BuildException - if the specified file doesn't exist or isn't a directory.
    • getBaseDir

      public getBaseDir()
      Return the base directory of the project as a file object.
      the project base directory, or null if the base directory has not been successfully set to a valid value.
    • setKeepGoingMode

      public void setKeepGoingMode​(boolean keepGoingMode)
      Set "keep-going" mode. In this mode Ant will try to execute as many targets as possible. All targets that do not depend on failed target(s) will be executed. If the keepGoing setter/getter methods are used in conjunction with the ant.executor.class property, they will have no effect.
      keepGoingMode - "keep-going" mode
      Ant 1.6
    • isKeepGoingMode

      public boolean isKeepGoingMode()
      Return the keep-going mode. If the keepGoing setter/getter methods are used in conjunction with the ant.executor.class property, they will have no effect.
      "keep-going" mode
      Ant 1.6
    • getJavaVersion

      @Deprecated public static java.lang.String getJavaVersion()
      since 1.5.x. Use instead.
      Return the version of Java this class is running under.
      the version of Java as a String, e.g. "1.1" .
      See Also:
    • setJavaVersionProperty

      public void setJavaVersionProperty() throws BuildException
      Set the property and tests for unsupported JVM versions. If the version is supported, verbose log messages are generated to record the Java version and operating system name.
      BuildException - if this Java version is not supported.
      See Also:
    • setSystemProperties

      public void setSystemProperties()
      Add all system properties which aren't already defined as user properties to the project properties.
    • addTaskDefinition

      public void addTaskDefinition​(java.lang.String taskName, java.lang.Class<?> taskClass) throws BuildException
      Add a new task definition to the project. Attempting to override an existing definition with an equivalent one (i.e. with the same classname) results in a verbose log message. Attempting to override an existing definition with a different one results in a warning log message and invalidates any tasks which have already been created with the old definition.
      taskName - The name of the task to add. Must not be null.
      taskClass - The full name of the class implementing the task. Must not be null.
      BuildException - if the class is unsuitable for being an Ant task. An error level message is logged before this exception is thrown.
      See Also:
    • checkTaskClass

      public void checkTaskClass​(java.lang.Class<?> taskClass) throws BuildException
      Check whether or not a class is suitable for serving as Ant task. Ant task implementation classes must be public, concrete, and have a no-arg constructor.
      taskClass - The class to be checked. Must not be null.
      BuildException - if the class is unsuitable for being an Ant task. An error level message is logged before this exception is thrown.
    • getTaskDefinitions

      public java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class<?>> getTaskDefinitions()
      Return the current task definition hashtable. The returned hashtable is "live" and so should not be modified.
      a map of from task name to implementing class (String to Class).
    • getCopyOfTaskDefinitions

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class<?>> getCopyOfTaskDefinitions()
      Return the current task definition map. The returned map is a copy of the "live" definitions.
      a map of from task name to implementing class (String to Class).
      Ant 1.8.1
    • addDataTypeDefinition

      public void addDataTypeDefinition​(java.lang.String typeName, java.lang.Class<?> typeClass)
      Add a new datatype definition. Attempting to override an existing definition with an equivalent one (i.e. with the same classname) results in a verbose log message. Attempting to override an existing definition with a different one results in a warning log message, but the definition is changed.
      typeName - The name of the datatype. Must not be null.
      typeClass - The full name of the class implementing the datatype. Must not be null.
    • getDataTypeDefinitions

      public java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class<?>> getDataTypeDefinitions()
      Return the current datatype definition hashtable. The returned hashtable is "live" and so should not be modified.
      a map of from datatype name to implementing class (String to Class).
    • getCopyOfDataTypeDefinitions

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class<?>> getCopyOfDataTypeDefinitions()
      Return the current datatype definition map. The returned map is a copy pf the "live" definitions.
      a map of from datatype name to implementing class (String to Class).
      Ant 1.8.1
    • addTarget

      public void addTarget​(Target target) throws BuildException
      Add a new target to the project.
      target - The target to be added to the project. Must not be null.
      BuildException - if the target already exists in the project
      See Also:
    • addTarget

      public void addTarget​(java.lang.String targetName, Target target) throws BuildException
      Add a new target to the project.
      targetName - The name to use for the target. Must not be null.
      target - The target to be added to the project. Must not be null.
      BuildException - if the target already exists in the project.
      See Also:
      addOrReplaceTarget(String, Target)
    • addOrReplaceTarget

      public void addOrReplaceTarget​(Target target)
      Add a target to the project, or replaces one with the same name.
      target - The target to be added or replaced in the project. Must not be null.
    • addOrReplaceTarget

      public void addOrReplaceTarget​(java.lang.String targetName, Target target)
      Add a target to the project, or replaces one with the same name.
      targetName - The name to use for the target. Must not be null.
      target - The target to be added or replaced in the project. Must not be null.
    • getTargets

      public java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​Target> getTargets()
      Return the hashtable of targets. The returned hashtable is "live" and so should not be modified.
      a map from name to target (String to Target).
    • getCopyOfTargets

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Target> getCopyOfTargets()
      Return the map of targets. The returned map is a copy of the "live" targets.
      a map from name to target (String to Target).
      Ant 1.8.1
    • createTask

      public Task createTask​(java.lang.String taskType) throws BuildException
      Create a new instance of a task, adding it to a list of created tasks for later invalidation. This causes all tasks to be remembered until the containing project is removed
      taskType - The name of the task to create an instance of. Must not be null.
      an instance of the specified task, or null if the task name is not recognised.
      BuildException - if the task name is recognised but task creation fails.
    • createDataType

      public java.lang.Object createDataType​(java.lang.String typeName) throws BuildException
      Create a new instance of a data type.
      typeName - The name of the data type to create an instance of. Must not be null.
      an instance of the specified data type, or null if the data type name is not recognised.
      BuildException - if the data type name is recognised but instance creation fails.
    • setExecutor

      public void setExecutor​(Executor e)
      Set the Executor instance for this Project.
      e - the Executor to use.
    • getExecutor

      public Executor getExecutor()
      Get this Project's Executor (setting it if necessary).
      an Executor instance.
    • executeTargets

      public void executeTargets​(java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> names) throws BuildException
      Execute the specified sequence of targets, and the targets they depend on.
      names - A vector of target name strings to execute. Must not be null.
      BuildException - if the build failed.
    • demuxOutput

      public void demuxOutput​(java.lang.String output, boolean isWarning)
      Demultiplex output so that each task receives the appropriate messages. If the current thread is not currently executing a task, the message is logged directly.
      output - Message to handle. Should not be null.
      isWarning - Whether the text represents an warning (true) or information (false).
    • defaultInput

      public int defaultInput​(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws
      Read data from the default input stream. If no default has been specified, is used.
      buffer - the buffer into which data is to be read.
      offset - the offset into the buffer at which data is stored.
      length - the amount of data to read.
      the number of bytes read.
      Throws: - if the data cannot be read.
      Ant 1.6
    • demuxInput

      public int demuxInput​(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws
      Demux an input request to the correct task.
      buffer - the buffer into which data is to be read.
      offset - the offset into the buffer at which data is stored.
      length - the amount of data to read.
      the number of bytes read.
      Throws: - if the data cannot be read.
      Ant 1.6
    • demuxFlush

      public void demuxFlush​(java.lang.String output, boolean isError)
      Demultiplex flush operations so that each task receives the appropriate messages. If the current thread is not currently executing a task, the message is logged directly.
      output - Message to handle. Should not be null.
      isError - Whether the text represents an error (true) or information (false).
      Ant 1.5.2
    • executeTarget

      public void executeTarget​(java.lang.String targetName) throws BuildException
      Execute the specified target and any targets it depends on.
      targetName - The name of the target to execute. Must not be null.
      BuildException - if the build failed.
    • executeSortedTargets

      public void executeSortedTargets​(java.util.Vector<Target> sortedTargets) throws BuildException
      Execute a Vector of sorted targets.
      sortedTargets - the aforementioned Vector.
      BuildException - on error.
    • resolveFile

      @Deprecated public resolveFile​(java.lang.String fileName, rootDir)
      since 1.4.x
      Return the canonical form of a filename.

      If the specified file name is relative it is resolved with respect to the given root directory.

      fileName - The name of the file to resolve. Must not be null.
      rootDir - The directory respective to which relative file names are resolved. May be null, in which case the current directory is used.
      the resolved File.
    • resolveFile

      public resolveFile​(java.lang.String fileName)
      Return the canonical form of a filename.

      If the specified file name is relative it is resolved with respect to the project's base directory.

      fileName - The name of the file to resolve. Must not be null.
      the resolved File.
    • translatePath

      @Deprecated public static java.lang.String translatePath​(java.lang.String toProcess)
      since 1.7 Use FileUtils.translatePath instead.
      Translate a path into its native (platform specific) format.

      This method uses PathTokenizer to separate the input path into its components. This handles DOS style paths in a relatively sensible way. The file separators are then converted to their platform specific versions.

      toProcess - The path to be translated. May be null.
      the native version of the specified path or an empty string if the path is null or empty.
      See Also:
    • copyFile

      @Deprecated public void copyFile​(java.lang.String sourceFile, java.lang.String destFile) throws
      since 1.4.x
      Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination. No filtering is performed.
      sourceFile - Name of file to copy from. Must not be null.
      destFile - Name of file to copy to. Must not be null.
      Throws: - if the copying fails.
    • copyFile

      @Deprecated public void copyFile​(java.lang.String sourceFile, java.lang.String destFile, boolean filtering) throws
      since 1.4.x
      Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination specifying if token filtering should be used.
      sourceFile - Name of file to copy from. Must not be null.
      destFile - Name of file to copy to. Must not be null.
      filtering - Whether or not token filtering should be used during the copy.
      Throws: - if the copying fails.
    • copyFile

      @Deprecated public void copyFile​(java.lang.String sourceFile, java.lang.String destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite) throws
      since 1.4.x
      Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination specifying if token filtering should be used and if source files may overwrite newer destination files.
      sourceFile - Name of file to copy from. Must not be null.
      destFile - Name of file to copy to. Must not be null.
      filtering - Whether or not token filtering should be used during the copy.
      overwrite - Whether or not the destination file should be overwritten if it already exists.
      Throws: - if the copying fails.
    • copyFile

      @Deprecated public void copyFile​(java.lang.String sourceFile, java.lang.String destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite, boolean preserveLastModified) throws
      since 1.4.x
      Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination specifying if token filtering should be used, if source files may overwrite newer destination files, and if the last modified time of the resulting file should be set to that of the source file.
      sourceFile - Name of file to copy from. Must not be null.
      destFile - Name of file to copy to. Must not be null.
      filtering - Whether or not token filtering should be used during the copy.
      overwrite - Whether or not the destination file should be overwritten if it already exists.
      preserveLastModified - Whether or not the last modified time of the resulting file should be set to that of the source file.
      Throws: - if the copying fails.
    • copyFile

      @Deprecated public void copyFile​( sourceFile, destFile) throws
      since 1.4.x
      Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination. No filtering is performed.
      sourceFile - File to copy from. Must not be null.
      destFile - File to copy to. Must not be null.
      Throws: - if the copying fails.
    • copyFile

      @Deprecated public void copyFile​( sourceFile, destFile, boolean filtering) throws
      since 1.4.x
      Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination specifying if token filtering should be used.
      sourceFile - File to copy from. Must not be null.
      destFile - File to copy to. Must not be null.
      filtering - Whether or not token filtering should be used during the copy.
      Throws: - if the copying fails.
    • copyFile

      @Deprecated public void copyFile​( sourceFile, destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite) throws
      since 1.4.x
      Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination specifying if token filtering should be used and if source files may overwrite newer destination files.
      sourceFile - File to copy from. Must not be null.
      destFile - File to copy to. Must not be null.
      filtering - Whether or not token filtering should be used during the copy.
      overwrite - Whether or not the destination file should be overwritten if it already exists.
      Throws: - if the file cannot be copied.
    • copyFile

      @Deprecated public void copyFile​( sourceFile, destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite, boolean preserveLastModified) throws
      since 1.4.x
      Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination specifying if token filtering should be used, if source files may overwrite newer destination files, and if the last modified time of the resulting file should be set to that of the source file.
      sourceFile - File to copy from. Must not be null.
      destFile - File to copy to. Must not be null.
      filtering - Whether or not token filtering should be used during the copy.
      overwrite - Whether or not the destination file should be overwritten if it already exists.
      preserveLastModified - Whether or not the last modified time of the resulting file should be set to that of the source file.
      Throws: - if the file cannot be copied.
    • setFileLastModified

      @Deprecated public void setFileLastModified​( file, long time) throws BuildException
      since 1.4.x
      Call File.setLastModified(long time) on Java above 1.1, and logs a warning on Java 1.1.
      file - The file to set the last modified time on. Must not be null.
      time - the required modification time.
      BuildException - if the last modified time cannot be set despite running on a platform with a version above 1.1.
    • toBoolean

      public static boolean toBoolean​(java.lang.String s)
      Return the boolean equivalent of a string, which is considered true if either "on", "true", or "yes" is found, ignoring case.
      s - The string to convert to a boolean value.
      true if the given string is "on", "true" or "yes", or false otherwise.
    • getProject

      public static Project getProject​(java.lang.Object o)
      Get the Project instance associated with the specified object.
      o - the object to query.
      Project instance, if any.
      Ant 1.7.1
    • topoSort

      public final java.util.Vector<Target> topoSort​(java.lang.String root, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​Target> targetTable) throws BuildException
      Topologically sort a set of targets. Equivalent to calling topoSort(new String[] {root}, targets, true).
      root - The name of the root target. The sort is created in such a way that the sequence of Targets up to the root target is the minimum possible such sequence. Must not be null.
      targetTable - A Hashtable mapping names to Targets. Must not be null.
      a Vector of ALL Target objects in sorted order.
      BuildException - if there is a cyclic dependency among the targets, or if a named target does not exist.
    • topoSort

      public final java.util.Vector<Target> topoSort​(java.lang.String root, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​Target> targetTable, boolean returnAll) throws BuildException
      Topologically sort a set of targets. Equivalent to calling topoSort(new String[] {root}, targets, returnAll).
      root - The name of the root target. The sort is created in such a way that the sequence of Targets up to the root target is the minimum possible such sequence. Must not be null.
      targetTable - A Hashtable mapping names to Targets. Must not be null.
      returnAll - boolean indicating whether to return all targets, or the execution sequence only.
      a Vector of Target objects in sorted order.
      BuildException - if there is a cyclic dependency among the targets, or if a named target does not exist.
      Ant 1.6.3
    • topoSort

      public final java.util.Vector<Target> topoSort​(java.lang.String[] roots, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​Target> targetTable, boolean returnAll) throws BuildException
      Topologically sort a set of targets.
      roots - String[] containing the names of the root targets. The sort is created in such a way that the ordered sequence of Targets is the minimum possible such sequence to the specified root targets. Must not be null.
      targetTable - A map of names to targets (String to Target). Must not be null.
      returnAll - boolean indicating whether to return all targets, or the execution sequence only.
      a Vector of Target objects in sorted order.
      BuildException - if there is a cyclic dependency among the targets, or if a named target does not exist.
      Ant 1.6.3
    • inheritIDReferences

      public void inheritIDReferences​(Project parent)
      Inherit the id references.
      parent - the parent project of this project.
    • addIdReference

      public void addIdReference​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.Object value)
      Add an id reference. Used for broken build files.
      id - the id to set.
      value - the value to set it to (Unknown element in this case.
    • addReference

      public void addReference​(java.lang.String referenceName, java.lang.Object value)
      Add a reference to the project.
      referenceName - The name of the reference. Must not be null.
      value - The value of the reference.
    • getReferences

      public java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getReferences()
      Return a map of the references in the project (String to Object). The returned hashtable is "live" and so must not be modified.
      a map of the references in the project (String to Object).
    • hasReference

      public boolean hasReference​(java.lang.String key)
      Does the project know this reference?
      key - String
      Ant 1.8.0
    • getCopyOfReferences

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getCopyOfReferences()
      Return a map of the references in the project (String to Object). The returned hashtable is a copy of the "live" references.
      a map of the references in the project (String to Object).
      Ant 1.8.1
    • getReference

      public <T> T getReference​(java.lang.String key)
      Look up a reference by its key (ID).
      Type Parameters:
      T - desired type
      key - The key for the desired reference. Must not be null.
      the reference with the specified ID, or null if there is no such reference in the project, with type inference.
    • getElementName

      public java.lang.String getElementName​(java.lang.Object element)
      Return a description of the type of the given element, with special handling for instances of tasks and data types.

      This is useful for logging purposes.

      element - The element to describe. Must not be null.
      a description of the element type.
      1.95, Ant 1.5
    • fireBuildStarted

      public void fireBuildStarted()
      Send a "build started" event to the build listeners for this project.
    • fireBuildFinished

      public void fireBuildFinished​(java.lang.Throwable exception)
      Send a "build finished" event to the build listeners for this project.
      exception - an exception indicating a reason for a build failure. May be null, indicating a successful build.
    • fireSubBuildStarted

      public void fireSubBuildStarted()
      Send a "subbuild started" event to the build listeners for this project.
      Ant 1.6.2
    • fireSubBuildFinished

      public void fireSubBuildFinished​(java.lang.Throwable exception)
      Send a "subbuild finished" event to the build listeners for this project.
      exception - an exception indicating a reason for a build failure. May be null, indicating a successful build.
      Ant 1.6.2
    • fireTargetStarted

      protected void fireTargetStarted​(Target target)
      Send a "target started" event to the build listeners for this project.
      target - The target which is starting to build. Must not be null.
    • fireTargetFinished

      protected void fireTargetFinished​(Target target, java.lang.Throwable exception)
      Send a "target finished" event to the build listeners for this project.
      target - The target which has finished building. Must not be null.
      exception - an exception indicating a reason for a build failure. May be null, indicating a successful build.
    • fireTaskStarted

      protected void fireTaskStarted​(Task task)
      Send a "task started" event to the build listeners for this project.
      task - The target which is starting to execute. Must not be null.
    • fireTaskFinished

      protected void fireTaskFinished​(Task task, java.lang.Throwable exception)
      Send a "task finished" event to the build listeners for this project.
      task - The task which has finished executing. Must not be null.
      exception - an exception indicating a reason for a build failure. May be null, indicating a successful build.
    • fireMessageLogged

      protected void fireMessageLogged​(Project project, java.lang.String message, int priority)
      Send a "message logged" project level event to the build listeners for this project.
      project - The project generating the event. Should not be null.
      message - The message to send. Should not be null.
      priority - The priority of the message.
    • fireMessageLogged

      protected void fireMessageLogged​(Project project, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int priority)
      Send a "message logged" project level event to the build listeners for this project.
      project - The project generating the event. Should not be null.
      message - The message to send. Should not be null.
      throwable - The exception that caused this message. May be null.
      priority - The priority of the message.
    • fireMessageLogged

      protected void fireMessageLogged​(Target target, java.lang.String message, int priority)
      Send a "message logged" target level event to the build listeners for this project.
      target - The target generating the event. Must not be null.
      message - The message to send. Should not be null.
      priority - The priority of the message.
    • fireMessageLogged

      protected void fireMessageLogged​(Target target, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int priority)
      Send a "message logged" target level event to the build listeners for this project.
      target - The target generating the event. Must not be null.
      message - The message to send. Should not be null.
      throwable - The exception that caused this message. May be null.
      priority - The priority of the message.
    • fireMessageLogged

      protected void fireMessageLogged​(Task task, java.lang.String message, int priority)
      Send a "message logged" task level event to the build listeners for this project.
      task - The task generating the event. Must not be null.
      message - The message to send. Should not be null.
      priority - The priority of the message.
    • fireMessageLogged

      protected void fireMessageLogged​(Task task, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable, int priority)
      Send a "message logged" task level event to the build listeners for this project.
      task - The task generating the event. Must not be null.
      message - The message to send. Should not be null.
      throwable - The exception that caused this message. May be null.
      priority - The priority of the message.
    • registerThreadTask

      public void registerThreadTask​(java.lang.Thread thread, Task task)
      Register a task as the current task for a thread. If the task is null, the thread's entry is removed.
      thread - the thread on which the task is registered.
      task - the task to be registered.
      Ant 1.5
    • getThreadTask

      public Task getThreadTask​(java.lang.Thread thread)
      Get the current task associated with a thread, if any.
      thread - the thread for which the task is required.
      the task which is currently registered for the given thread or null if no task is registered.
    • setProjectReference

      public final void setProjectReference​(java.lang.Object obj)
      Set a reference to this Project on the parameterized object. Need to set the project before other set/add elements are called.
      obj - the object to invoke setProject(this) on.
    • getResource

      public Resource getResource​(java.lang.String name)
      Resolve the file relative to the project's basedir and return it as a FileResource.
      Specified by:
      getResource in interface ResourceFactory
      name - the name of the file to resolve.
      the file resource.
      Ant 1.7